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Accueil / News / Via cordata in the creeks of Marseille, Cassis and La Ciotat

Via cordata in the creeks of Marseille, Cassis and La Ciotat

The adventure trek or via cordata, installed by our local guides, are an alternative to the via ferrata at the heart of the National park of the creeks.

Prohibition of via ferrata in the Creeks :

via ferrata ban in the creeks

By definition the activity via ferrata, which comes from the Latin "railway", is a sporting route, located on a rock wall equipped with metal elements (ladders, ramps, etc). This progression technique, used in 1843 in the Austrian Alps, is re-used by the Italian army from the beginning of the twentieth century in the Dolomites to overcome steep passages safe. Today it's an intermediate tourist activity between climbing and hiking.

While the Via Ferrata is now widespread in our regions, because it contributes to the development of sports tourism, it's forbidden in the national park of the creeks for several reasons :
  • The cable equipment is not aesthetic and often distorts the landscape.
  • The cable equipment, remaining permanently on the walls, prompting many practitioners (initiated or uninitiated) to get there without supervision. It follows an overcrowding and many accidents.

As a professional climbing and to conserve this magnificent creeks, we have always been opposed the via ferrata equipment. This position is reinforced by the decree of the national park of the creeks, in force since 18 April 2012.

The alternative, the adventure treks or Via Cordata in Active Road :

To overcome this ban, our guides have set up courses that allow to discover the creeks from the cliffs, by equipment on ropes. It's a Via Cordata or adventure trek.
sormiou beak in via cordata.jpg

From above, the view of the Med and the massif is splendid and surprising. The guide installs and uninstalls the ropes during his progression wall with a group that needs to be limited to 8 people maximum. The monitor role makes sense (educational quality, expertise) and the exchange is created with his band. Thanks to him, these still wild places become accessible.

Only regional professionals can intervene and equip these courses because a perfect knowledge of the field is paramount. We participate again in a process of sustainable tourism through the development of a "local economy" and the preservation of our environment.

Through this activity, Active Road meets his involvement as a tourism professional and signed the charter of the company guides of Provence :

The main points of the charter*:

"The practice of excellence within their profession in accordance with a reduced number of clients per professionnal, for an approach :

  • In compliance with safety rules

  • Control of attendance

  • Educational quality of their discipline

  • Public education about the environment (human and natural)

This rule of conduct being preferred over an ever greater quest for profit in the direction of the commodification of natural areas."

BATEL Sébastien

* Extract from the charter of the Compagnie des Guides de Provence

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